
Happy October!

It's the first day of October. I tried to sleep in late...till 8, but didn't work. Ended up out of bed by 7 am. Never heard my roommate snore until this morning. I thought there must have been someone else in the room! I mean, don't get me wrong...when I'm really tired or sick I can totally snore with the best of them. But yeah, of all times. Living in the dorm is not working out with an early to bed, early to rise schedule. I can only assume John Wesley didn't live in a dorm because he was in bed by 10 and woke up at like 4. For real.

So, I have a headache and am decently rested and that headache might be related to getting a decent amount of sleep. Boo.

My list of things to do today isn't getting any shorter but yeah...it's October! Shoot. That's crazy. I've been here just over a month...yet it's only been a month. Lots of major changes taking place as I take midterms and write papers and catch up on reading...we'll see...

1 comment:

jyoon said...

you TRIED to sleep in late but it didnt work? TEACH ME HOW DO YOU DO THAT

you sound really happy. asbury sounds amazing. lately ive been thinking i dont know whether that kind of happiness is affordable for me..