

Been sick for like a week. It's ok though, getting over it.

Petitioned to change my degree...woot woot. Now I need to petition to have some courses waived and try to get into a class. Then I'll have 9 solid hours next semester and will work (for tuition).

The financial crisis is freaking people out. But think about the Great Depression and what it was like back then. Would it be so bad to be humbled like that? If I born into a different century, like several prior to now, I wonder if I'd be one of those aesthetics? Is that the right spelling? You know, those people who are all extreme and wearing like rags and shaving their head.

Went to the Robbie Seay Band concert at Asbury College last night. It was pretty great! Robbie's bro, Chris, spoke and said some good stuff.

More later...maybe...

1 comment:

jyoon said...

ascetics? ^___^ㅋㅋ